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ALLEEN VERKRIJGBAAR TIJDENS HET 9E STEIFF ZOMER FESTIVAL IN GIENGEN 2005gemaakt van het fijnste mohairrosé 5-maal geschijfd met piepstem met grote bruine ogen gevuld met synthetisch vulmateriaal gelimiteerde editie van 3.000 stuks met vergulde "Button in Ear" 44 cm / 17,6 inches oppervlakte reinigbaar fabrieksnieuw met genummerd aangehecht certificaat PAS OP! Dit product is geen speelgoed en alleen bedoeld voor volwassen verzamelaars. UPC: 4001505655485
Teddy Rosé was developed and produced by Margarete Steiff GmbH as an exclusive article for the 9th Steiff Festival in Giengen, on behalf of the event organizer GAF Guenther Pfeiffer GmbH. It was a limited edition of 3,000 pieces, which were only available during the Festival. The bear is based on the pink-coloured Teddy Bear which was made between 1925 and 1928 with the article number 5330,1K, which formed the basis for the Teddy Clown and is today one of the most sought-after Steiff rarities! Teddy Rosé stands 44 cm / 17.6 inches tall, she has a squeaker and big dark-brown eyes with black pupils, and her nose and claws are hand-embroidered with brown thread. On her left sole the embroidered wording reads: "9th Steiff Festival - Giengen 2005", while the white flag carries red lettering and the "Button in Ear" is gold-plated. She does not come in a box but has a small numbered certificate of authenticity.