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VOLLEDIG UITVERKOCHT BIJ TRIX ... BIJ ONS BESCHIKBAAR ZOLANG VOORRAAD STREKT!Prototype: ES 64 F4 as SBB Cargo class 474, multiple system locomotive with 4 pantographs, same as the German Railroad, Inc. (DB AG) class 189. B-B wheel arrangement. Used in fast, cross-border freight service. Built starting in 2002. Model: Era V. The locomotive has an NEM digital connector. It also has a motor with 2 flywheels. 4 axles powered. Traction tires. The outer pantographs can be used to pick up power from catenary. The locomotive has a close coupler mechanism. Length over the buffers 122 mm / 4-3/4". Highlights: The current locomotive for cross-border freight service. Attractive SBB Cargo paint scheme.