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speciale editie voor SüdBest Baden Württemberg punktet licentie voor EnBW gemaakt van knuffelzachte pluche blond geborduurde neus in de vorm van een hart met extreme lange indrukkwekkende manen met bruine veiligheid ogen gevuld met synthetisch vulmateriaal met messing "Button in Ear" 35 cm / 14 inches fabrieksnieuw met alle labels en aangehecht certificaat machine wasbaar op 30 °C met CE keurmerk UPC: 4001505992063 The Lion SüdBest is 35 cm / 14 inches in size, his nose is in the form of a heart, and he is made from High Quality European woven plush. He was issued in 2006 by the German state Baden-Württemberg Energy Company called "EnBW" to support the campaign "Baden-Württemberg punktet". SüdBest is an advantage card with which the users can collect points at over 3000 participating partners. The concept is simple: For each collected point a cent is credited. Customers of the EnBW can redeem their points for an electricity bill credit or against purchase coupons exchanges. Besides earning points the card offers as well many discounts like on concert tickets. The Lion comes with an attached certificate of authenticity but does not have a box.